The Booty Trail
June 20, 2011
Japanese Porn: the True Tale
June 20, 2011[two_third_last]
Amina Nolan’s photography shows a purity and truthfulness in the stories it tells. She shares her thinking with us.
Encapsulating glamour is mostly an illusion of art.
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The naked body is still considered unnatural. Somehow, we believe nudity will affect our society’s backbone. Yet nudity is the truth that defines our society.
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The beautiful thing about photography is that it allows you to take a fraction of a second out of life and for that fraction of time to live on and become something else for someone else.
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To me photography should be stills that depict life. In essence it should show the good, the bad, and the ugly. It should show the moments we want to forget as much as the moments we would like to remember.
As the world evolves and opinions form we see a dramatic shift in what we call taboo. To me there’s something beautiful about no boundaries. The mere idea of no escape is tantalizing.
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The moment of the shoot is very exceptional because at that time it is just you that gets to see the subject in such trusting state, and you as the photographer make the decision how your subject will reveal its self to the world. The nude gives what is lacking dramatically in contemporary art, a sense not just of vulnerability and trust, but also of hopefulness.