September 4, 2017The Competing Narratives of Brexit: Delay, Recession and ConfusionThere will always be an England, but will there always be a Brexit? Economist Steve McCarthy takes a personal look at the issues. (A sneak peek […]
May 27, 2017Is Money Killing Music? What the Royalty Battle MeansStars as varied as Jean-Michel Jarre, Blondie and Nikki Sixx are lining up to warn about the state of the future of music. Internet streaming and […]
May 17, 2017Previewing the Brexit Battle: Implications for finance, investments and just about everything elseTHIS IS A SNEAK PEAK OF ONE OF THE ARTICLES ON THE NEW DANTE PRINT MAGAZINE FOR JUNE-JULY – PLEASE SUBSCRIBE IF YOU LIKE IT Our […]
April 23, 2017French Election Time and Democratic Spring: Of Fascism and Future Hopes WorldwideIn our spring issue of DANTE, we have talked about Arab Spring, and now it is the turn of Western Spring. This is being published online as […]