Frieze London 2014
octubre 15, 2014
Everything’s gone green
noviembre 6, 2014THE AGE OF CONTENT IS FIFTY-EIGHT silver foxes enjoy their golden years as 30-somethings struggle

New study reveals we get happier not grumpier as we age, The 10 keys to happiness revealed – spending time with family ranked #1 Doing a job you love is more important than career success We are 58 before we really get the balance between work and life right 35 is the age when we feel the most stressed.
The age old cliché that we get grumpier as we age is a myth according to a new study which suggests that we finally get life sussed at the age of 58 – that’s when we are the most likely to achieve a winning work/life balance and feel the most content with our lives.
The research, which was commissioned to mark the launch of new handset the Samsung Galaxy Note 4, assessed the lifestyles of 2,000 British respondents to discover the age at which we are happiest, as well as when we are the most stressed. The results reveal the Top 10 key factors that affect our happiness, as well as our top stressors.
The age of contentment is 58, with 79% of respondents in this age group stating that they feel satisfied with their current work/life balance (compared with an average of 66% across all respondents) and 72% rating their lifestyle as good or very good (compared with average of 50%).
Those aged 58 were the most likely to take a proper lunch hour (74% compared with average of 66%) suggesting that they feel the most secure at work. They were also the most likely to work their contracted hours, with 45% saying they don’t work any unpaid overtime compared to 28% of those aged under 50.
The study shows that a third of Brits (33%) are unsatisfied with their current work/life balance, while half (50%) think their lifestyle could be better.
The keys to a happy and balanced lifestyle include spending time with family (63%) and being in a happy relationship (53%). Career success is deemed as much less important (20%) than doing a job you love (54%).
The top ten keys to contentment:
1 Spending time with family (63%)
2 Doing a job you love (54%)
3 Being in a happy relationship (53%)
4 Financial security (51%)
5 Feeling appreciated at home (46%)
6 Laughing daily (45%)
7 Feeling appreciated at work (44%)
8 Enjoying holidays (42%)
9 Spending time with friends (36%)
10 Working with people you like (33%)
According to the research, the peak age for stress is 35, with a third of this age group (33%) stating that they always or regularly feel stressed, compared with an average score of 26%. Respondents aged 35 are the most likely to cite the dual pressures of having children and having a demanding job, with 19% of respondents of this age finding juggling childcare and work stressful, compared with just 6% of those aged over 40. This was also compounded by respondents of this age feeling that they have little time to see friends (30%), keep on top of household chores such as laundry (27%), or read a book or magazine (19%). Respondents aged over 50 were most likely to find worries about their health (21%), caring for older relatives (13%) and dealing with difficult teenagers (12%) stressful.
Women tend to feel more stressed than men (28% compared with 24% for men) with financial pressures the biggest worry (52% compared with 45% for men) followed by having a demanding job (22% compared with 19% for men) and family matters such as moving house (19% compared with 17% for men) and having children (15% compared with 11% for men). A third of men (32%) feel they don’t have enough time to spend with family during the working week compared to a quarter of women (26%). More men than women say they have missed a life event such as a child’s first word (13% compared to 5% of women), first steps (12% compared to 7% of women) and birthday (11% compared to 7%).
The top ten stressors:
1 Financial pressures (49%)
2 Having a demanding job (21%)
3 Moving House (19%)
4 Worries about your health (16%)
5 Worries about weight (15%)
6 Having children (14%)
7 Feeling guilty about lack of time for work/ friends/ family (13%)
8 Juggling childcare and work (12%)
9 Working with people you don’t get on with (12%)
10 Arguments at home (11%)
The research also reveals some interesting regional differences with Scottish respondents the most likely to feel they have a good balance between work and life (56% compared with national average of 50%). Those living in Aberdeen are the happiest with their current work/life balance (70%) followed by the residents of Aberystwyth (67%) and Worcester (64%). Those living in Swansea (51%), Liverpool (44%) and London (41%) are the most dissatisfied with their current work/life balance.
Ines van Gennip, Marketing Director of the IT & Mobile from Samsung says, “It seems the old adage of ‘good things come to those who wait’ is true, at least in life, with those aged in their 50s likely to be the most content. In our fast-paced busy lives, finding the balance between work and life has never been harder so make the most of the time you have by being really organised! Our newly released Note 4 can help customers to keep on top of their busy lives”
Professor Cary Cooper from the University of Lancaster says “The results of the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 research show an interesting contrast between our thirties and our fifties. It’s little wonder that our 30s are so stressful as we try – sometimes desperately – to juggle high pressure jobs and family demands whilst maintaining happy relationships. And then by the time we reach our fifties we feel much more confident, allowing us to set the agenda when it comes to working hours and family life. It is also interesting to note that spending time with family and being in a happy relationship score most highly in making us feel happy, while money is the top source of stress”
The Samsung Galaxy Note 4 is released in the UK on Friday 17 October 2014